A Hilltown Girl's Storybook.....Growing up in Cummington, Massachusetts by Judith Cowell Meredith
$20 + $1.25 MA Sales Tax plus Shipping and Handling.
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Cummington publications are available at our museum and through mail-order.
To order by mail:
Please include the publication you would like, a check for the proper amount including shipping fees, your mailing address and an email address for order confirmation.
Checks should be made payable to Town of Cummington. Orders should be mailed to: Cummington Historical Commission, PO Box 10, Cummington, MA 01026.
To order by mail:
Please include the publication you would like, a check for the proper amount including shipping fees, your mailing address and an email address for order confirmation.
Checks should be made payable to Town of Cummington. Orders should be mailed to: Cummington Historical Commission, PO Box 10, Cummington, MA 01026.
Price List
Prices listed include required Massachusetts 6.25% tax.
Town Histories:
Only One Cummington Volume 1..............$26.56
Only One Cummington Volume 2..............$26.56
Vital Records of Cummington....................$25.50
Cummington Bicentennial History
1779-1979 by Olive Thayer......................$5.31
Cummington Cook Book
Favorite Recipes Old and New..... ..........$8.50
Memoirs about Cummington:
Some Memories and Musings....................$8.50
Childhood Memories...................................$2.66
Remembering Cummington........................$5.31
Aunt Teeks in Memory Land.......................$8.50
Alice C. Steele's Miniature Rooms..............$4.25
Barns in Highland Communities..................$5.31
Search for John Remington.........................$3.19
Town Histories:
Only One Cummington Volume 1..............$26.56
Only One Cummington Volume 2..............$26.56
Vital Records of Cummington....................$25.50
Cummington Bicentennial History
1779-1979 by Olive Thayer......................$5.31
Cummington Cook Book
Favorite Recipes Old and New..... ..........$8.50
Memoirs about Cummington:
Some Memories and Musings....................$8.50
Childhood Memories...................................$2.66
Remembering Cummington........................$5.31
Aunt Teeks in Memory Land.......................$8.50
Alice C. Steele's Miniature Rooms..............$4.25
Barns in Highland Communities..................$5.31
Search for John Remington.........................$3.19