About Us
The Cummington Historical Commission (CHC) functions both as a historical commission and as a historical society. The seven member board is responsible for a variety of historical activities, including:
* Overseeing Cummington's Kingman Tavern Museum, which includes a 14 room house, a two story historic barn, a cider mill, a carriage shed and the Old Parsonage.
* Maintaining the town historic archives.
* Performing reviews of changes to historical structures, and maintaining a record of historic buildings.
* Supporting the preservation and promotion of Cummington history through lectures, projects, historical contributions, and a high school awards program, the William W. Streeter History Award.
Current Board Members
Carla Ness, Chair and Lead Archivist
Karen Westergaard, Secretary
Leslie Keller, Genealogist
Chris Laney
Scott Keith, Treasurer
Dave Simard
Carrie Cranston, Friend of the Commission
Content Managers: Cummington Historical Commission
Contact us
Karen Westergaard, Secretary
Leslie Keller, Genealogist
Chris Laney
Scott Keith, Treasurer
Dave Simard
Carrie Cranston, Friend of the Commission
Content Managers: Cummington Historical Commission
Contact us